Sunday, February 28, 2010

TRES and her Sweet Potatos


...AND her sweet faces!

Splish! Splash! I was taking a...CRASH!

DOS figured out she cannot scale walls...while in the bath...


TRES enjoying her first avocado!

Cherrios...not just a snack!

DOS enjoyed "playing" with her snack!

DOS is stacking Cherrios on one of my bamboo skewers.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Memories of my "mama"

I made enchiladas today.  I called my mom for the "recipe".  When I asked how much...she said "I don't know, I don't measure".

I remember like it was yesterday, walking though the back door of my grandparents house.  SLAM! That was the door... That door is where "family" truly was my mama's kitchen around her small kitchen table with 5 maybe 6 chairs.  I don't think I ever remember walking in the front door, come to think of it.

After Sunday masses, you knew breakfast or lunch was sure to follow at "Mama and Papa's house".  I remember huge "vandejas" of arroz con pollo, frijoles, mole, menudo, ensalada...and never ending stacks of homemade tortillas.  I could go on and on!

Gosh I wish I would have savored the food and the surroundings a little bit more than I did.

I look forward to having my kids in the kitchen helping me cook family dinners.

I can't wait to tell them this recipe cannot be found in any cookbooks.  It is passed from generation to generation.

But most of all, I can't wait for the phone call, when they ask for the "recipe for mama's enchiladas".

And I get to tell them, "I don't know, I don't measure!"

Friday, February 26, 2010

DOS turns 2!!- A Photo Essay!

Her Birthday Theme!


She DID end up wearing her Bumble Bee Tu-Tu! ...and you can tell she loved it!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

A Birthday Project!!

I decided DOS must have a tu-tu for her 2nd birthday! So of course, I proceeded to look online for one to buy...

OH MY GOD!  The prices were outrageous $40-$80 dollars!

So of course, my search turned to "how to make a tu-tu"!  Now I read several different articles and saw some videos, so I will just have you Google and You Tube to find one that suits you!

10 yards of Tulle ($ 1.27/ yard)
1 1/2 yards of Satin Ribbon ($ 0.47/yard)
Black and Yellow for a Bumble Bee Tu-Tu!!

Most of the directions called for 5 yards of Tulle.  Now, we all know princesses need at least 10 yards of tulle!  The BIGGER, the BETTER...right?

First you cut your tulle to "manageable pieces", I cut mine about a yard. 
Then you roll your tulle with the folded edge towards you.
Cut about every 3 inches. 
Now I eyed my cuts...I couldn't find my ruler...i think it is packed!

Start to unroll the tulle back to the original fold and cut at the fold.
You will now have 2 pieces of tulle.
You are supposed to measure around your childs waist, then add the same amount of ribbon at both ends.
 For example, if your child is 15" around the waist, you will have a 45" ribbon with a knot @ 15" and 30".
You will then loop the tulle around the ribbon BETWEEN the 15" knot and the 30" inch knot.

And keep looping... and looping...and looping...

Tie the satin ribbon in a cute bow and...VIOLA!

NOTE TO SELF: Sometimes Bigger is not better! This is super duper full and I think DOS is afraid of it. LOL! I haven't officially given it to her but right now...she doesn't like the idea of me coming at her with a HUGE bushel of tulle!

I will post pictures of her wearing it for her party! *fingers crossed*

Monday, February 22, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday- Theme-ORANGE

Hooray for Monday's!  If I didn't have Muffin Tin Monday to look forward to, I think I'd just sleep in!! OK, OK wishful thinking...the sleeping in part!!

Today our theme is the beautiful color of ORANGE! Now, I was trying to get creative in my MTM meal today and go where no other Muffin Tin Mom will go... but...  thinking outside of the box with an "obvious" Orange color food item was hard!

Our lunch plans changed today, so I put together a Mid-morning snack! It really turned out beautiful against the light blue muffin tins I got on clearance at Target!!  ENJOY with your eyes!!

Orange slices-Apple/Carrot Applesauce-Cheese slices
Orange M&M's-Orange Bell Peppers-Orange goldfish

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Celebration of Hats- A Photo Essay

An evening watching TRES, Cookie Man entertains her himself through pictures...


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Pancake Tuesday!

Something a little different for dinner, turned out to be a hit with everyone... including Cookie Man! Once again, Catholic Icing helped us out!!
Purple, a symbol of justice; Green, representing faith; Gold, to signify power
Notice...UNO is dressed in Gold and DOS is dressed in Green! 
TRES is dressed in drool Purple!
 Click here to find out more about Catholic Roots of Mardi Gras.

Mardi Gras

Today we kicked off Mardi Gras with our version of a King Cake.  I got the idea from Catholic Icing's blog entry for Valentine's Day...tweeked it for Mardi Gras and ...Viola!!
Our King "Cake"...YUMMY!!

You will see me referring to her blog SEVERAL times today as well as during Lent! She has some great ideas!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday- Theme-RED

Yeah! I ran across Muffin Tin Monday while looking at other peoples blog!  How cool is this!! This week the theme was Red.  UNO and DOS really like eating from their tins.  Since we are moving, I packed my tins BUT not before buying these awesome silicone baking cups!!
Hot Dog-Tomatoes-Apple slices-"chup"...ahem Ketchup-Red Grapes-Brownie w/red heart and of course...Red Goldfish!

"It's a beautiful morning today!"

WEDNESDAY 1/27/10- Matthew woke up proclaiming, "It's a beautiful morning today!"And indeed it did turn out to be a great day! Of course we pretty much "vegged" all day and there are no pictures to prove it!

Brother, read to me

I caught UNO and DOS looking through a book and of course... grabbed the camera!