Thursday, February 25, 2010

A Birthday Project!!

I decided DOS must have a tu-tu for her 2nd birthday! So of course, I proceeded to look online for one to buy...

OH MY GOD!  The prices were outrageous $40-$80 dollars!

So of course, my search turned to "how to make a tu-tu"!  Now I read several different articles and saw some videos, so I will just have you Google and You Tube to find one that suits you!

10 yards of Tulle ($ 1.27/ yard)
1 1/2 yards of Satin Ribbon ($ 0.47/yard)
Black and Yellow for a Bumble Bee Tu-Tu!!

Most of the directions called for 5 yards of Tulle.  Now, we all know princesses need at least 10 yards of tulle!  The BIGGER, the BETTER...right?

First you cut your tulle to "manageable pieces", I cut mine about a yard. 
Then you roll your tulle with the folded edge towards you.
Cut about every 3 inches. 
Now I eyed my cuts...I couldn't find my ruler...i think it is packed!

Start to unroll the tulle back to the original fold and cut at the fold.
You will now have 2 pieces of tulle.
You are supposed to measure around your childs waist, then add the same amount of ribbon at both ends.
 For example, if your child is 15" around the waist, you will have a 45" ribbon with a knot @ 15" and 30".
You will then loop the tulle around the ribbon BETWEEN the 15" knot and the 30" inch knot.

And keep looping... and looping...and looping...

Tie the satin ribbon in a cute bow and...VIOLA!

NOTE TO SELF: Sometimes Bigger is not better! This is super duper full and I think DOS is afraid of it. LOL! I haven't officially given it to her but right now...she doesn't like the idea of me coming at her with a HUGE bushel of tulle!

I will post pictures of her wearing it for her party! *fingers crossed*

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