Monday, February 15, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday- Theme-RED

Yeah! I ran across Muffin Tin Monday while looking at other peoples blog!  How cool is this!! This week the theme was Red.  UNO and DOS really like eating from their tins.  Since we are moving, I packed my tins BUT not before buying these awesome silicone baking cups!!
Hot Dog-Tomatoes-Apple slices-"chup"...ahem Ketchup-Red Grapes-Brownie w/red heart and of course...Red Goldfish!


  1. The brownie with the heart looks yummy. Nice tin!

  2. Great tin. The goldfish in the middle made me smile. =)

  3. I adore what you all your kiddos- muey bien!

    (Sorry, I tried to be cute and write in Spanish, but I am very rusty!)

  4. cute tin. I love your fancy brownie.
