Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Star Wars The Party

A long, long time ago 
in a galaxy far, far away,
A boy was born.
His name was UNO.
This is his party.
{cue Star Wars Theme music}

Cookie Man challenged me to a budget of $60.
And I did it!

I made the invitations,but only made 6 to pass out.
I did have them printed for $1.50 total!
The kids were told to come dressed as their favorite Star Wars Character.

The party favors, the light sabers took half of the budget, $27
but I wouldn't have traded that for anything.
They were great!!
Battle on the Galactic Grass
UNO recieved his gifts from us the day of his birthday.
The gifts became part of the party decor = FREE.
Birthday Gifts = Free Decor
The Millennium Falcon was a gift from Christmas. The Helmet- a garage sale find
I normally would have made the cupcake toppers
but I saved the packaging from his gifts and 
with my 1 1/2" circle cutter began to cut out the images from the packaging!
It was super simple and FREE!
Cookie Man's mom made the cupcakes = FREE!

UNO and his sisters
We ordered pizza, which was $30.
For drinks, I made Lemonade with ReaLemon Juice and Sugar, which I already had = FREE!
DOS as Princess Leia

For games/ activities, Cookie Man recorded Star Wars music and sounds on the iPad.
It definitely set the mood of the party.
Imagine kids swinging their light sabers and the light saber sound echoing in the background...AWESOMENESS... = FREE!!
Cookie Man drew the Death Star on the back wall, it was for a game that we didn't end up doing 
but it looked great! Outdoor Decorations = FREE!
Kick the ball at the Storm Trooper

We had the jumper up that my sister gave me for my birthday = FREE!
Each kid also received a Jedi Training Certificate that Cookie Man found on the internet.
Cookie Man edited it in Photoshop.
(Also, there is also a typo on the certificate...Padewan instead of Padwan)
TRES... the cutest Darth Vader and her Jedi certificate

I usually get so caught up in the presentation of the party that I don't really think of cost.
I am happy Cookie Man challenged me.
It was definitely simple and stress free!
I'm not really sure where this fits in to the theme but I LOVE HIM!!
UNO had a great time with his friends...
and THAT is the most important thing!
Happy Birthday UNO!


1 comment:

  1. Great day for your family...
    WE love Star wars days too and have had many star wars theme days
    God Bless
