Monday, December 13, 2010

Peppermint Sticks!!

Vallimasoos: "Honey will you get those for me?"
Cookie Man: "what for?" (said in a very sarcastic tone)
Vallimasoos: "Peppermint Sticks!"
Cookie Man: "oh!" (gears rolling in his head as he puts 2 and 2 together)

You know a man TRULY loves you when you ask him to go dumpster diving AND he does!
And so I love him even more than yesterday!

OK-OK he really didn't jump into a dumpster... 
Cookie Man was tall enough to reach in and grab them while standing from his truck!
Gotta love that man!!
Enough with all the gooey, kissy stuff!

You know what these are???
...Me either BUT they came from a parking lot re-do!
These were waiting to be rescued 
by a strong, super sexy man 
in YES...the dumpster!
 I bought some painters tape and White Krylon Spray Paint for plastics.

I gave them Peppermint stripes!
  and sprayed them up good!!
We placed them on each side of the garage.
Being that we love to decorate the outside of our house for Christmas...
I knew they would be an awesome and FREE addition!!
Best of all...I have 3 more to make!!
I think eventually I'd like to see if I can add a 'hook' on the end to made a Candy Cane!

I'm linking up to

mmm button

1 comment:

  1. They're those things that they put next to stuff so you don't hit it, lol. AND they're awesome! What a good idea!
