Thursday, October 7, 2010

Our Lady of the Rosary Feast Day

To celebrate and teach the littles how to pray the Rosary, I made a poster board of a rosary.

I was lucky enough to have a circle punch that helped A LOT!
 I used a glue stick to glue the "beads" down.
 Prayers of the Rosary
The finished product!

I already got great ideas to use M&M's, candy, marshmallows to keep count!

I eventually will add the Mysteries of the Rosary to the back of the board. It was a super fun and quick project and only cost me a dollar for the foam board, which I already had on hand! 
Everything else was in my craft room closet!

You can see other great Rosary Ideas here...

Month of the Rosary


  1. This came out soooo cute! I LOVE it! I've been wanting to do something like this. I was thinking about trying to use egg carton cups as the "beads" for kind of a 3 d look, but the idea hasn't panned out for me yet. Happy Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, and thanks so much for sharing your idea! :-)

  2. your poster turned out great. anything is possible with those paper punches.

    pax - Lena

    Our Lady of Good Remedy, pray for us!
