Monday, July 19, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday- Lunch for Little Bear

My kiddos are 
psychotically obsessed 
in L-O-V-E 
Little Bear!
Stories by Else Holmelund Minarik

So with our new Bear Silicone Cups, our theme for Muffin Tin Monday was
Lunch for Little Bear!

 A peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich cut with our star sandwich cutter-
Apples cut with our new animal bear cutter-
"A fishing rod" (a licorice string and a straw) with a "salmon" (cheese slice)-
The "moon" (Babybel Cheese)-

TRES had "salmon" cheese slice, blueberry yogurt "clouds", bear shaped apples,
blueberries, and cherrios!

This was probably the hardest MTM I had ever done because the kids were so excited... I think they velcroed themselves to my legs screaming "can we eat now?"

Little Bear didn't make it to lunch but my "Little Bears" sure did enjoy their tins!


Go exploring over to
Muffin Tin Mom
to see other great MTM ideas!