Tuesday, July 27, 2010


One must ask children and birds how cherries and strawberries taste.

-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Monday, July 26, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday- Snack Time!

For Muffin Tin Monday,
we had a yogurt with add ins of granola and blueberries 
with animal crackers for dipping!

Head on over to Muffin Tin Monday to check out other snack and meal ideas for your kiddos!
Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

One Thousand Gifts...

Eleven to Twenty

holy experience

11.)  a husband who provides
12.)  kids asleep...all at the same time
 ...in a hotel room

13.)  a candlelight "Droid-light" dinner for 2
...in a hotel room

14.)  Welo and Wela coming to visit
15.)  my mom's Homemade Zucchini Nut bread with zucchini from my sister's garden
16.)  volunteering on a rainy Saturday morning...Bountiful Baskets
17.)  DOS watching the rain

18.)  UNO falling back to sleep...in the closet
19.)  hearing "mommy"...
even if it is a scream 
from a 2 year old who just bumped her head

20.) my kids sharing

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010

One Thousand Gifts

 I've always been thankful for what God has blessed me with...
I now have a reason to share...
my countless blessings!

holy experience

One) Knowing God
2) My Catholic Faith

Without these three,
I would not have...

4) A man I love

5) A date on a calendar that meant nothing...

6) Someone to call me Mommy (UNO)

7) Someone to call me Mommy (DOS)

8) Someone to call me Mommy (TRES)

9) A healthy family
10) a story to tell...

Muffin Tin Monday- Lunch for Little Bear

My kiddos are 
psychotically obsessed 
in L-O-V-E 
Little Bear!
Stories by Else Holmelund Minarik

So with our new Bear Silicone Cups, our theme for Muffin Tin Monday was
Lunch for Little Bear!

 A peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich cut with our star sandwich cutter-
Apples cut with our new animal bear cutter-
"A fishing rod" (a licorice string and a straw) with a "salmon" (cheese slice)-
The "moon" (Babybel Cheese)-

TRES had "salmon" cheese slice, blueberry yogurt "clouds", bear shaped apples,
blueberries, and cherrios!

This was probably the hardest MTM I had ever done because the kids were so excited... I think they velcroed themselves to my legs screaming "can we eat now?"

Little Bear didn't make it to lunch but my "Little Bears" sure did enjoy their tins!


Go exploring over to
Muffin Tin Mom
to see other great MTM ideas!

Muffin Tin Monday- SWAP!!

We recently participated in our first Muffin Tin Monday Swap! I was partnered with Sarah who lives in Arizona with her 3 kids! As you can see from the pictures below, UNO and DOS enjoyed their swap package! We received Bear Silicone liners, pastel silicone liners, a star sandwich cutter and animal cookie cutters!  

UNO pretending to be reading the card!
DOS pretending to be reading the card!

Head on over to Muffin Tin Monday to check out other peoples swap packages!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Celebrating the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Today to celebrate the 
Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
we decided to have some Angel Food cake  
drizzled in Carmel Topping!

Lacy from Catholic Icing had some delicious ideas!
Catholic Icing

To learn more about the brown scapular, click HERE.

For other delicious food ideas, check out Catholic Cuisine!

The Promise of Our Lady
Take this Scapular. Whosoever dies wearing it shall not suffer eternal fire. It shall be a sign of salvation, a protection in danger, and a pledge of peace.

Holy Virgin of Mount Carmel, Our Lady of the Scapular, pray for us!