Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Monday Madness...but just to start...

This was definitely a Monday! Mr. Goldfish woke up to a vandalized work truck!! The vandals had hit the wind shield with rocks and shattered it! ARGH! Very frustrating, but $ 178 later and everything was good to go!

I was so excited to start Muffin Tin Monday with the kids!! WOW...something exciting to look forward to on a Monday! I went on a Muffin Tin hunt to the Dollar Tree and scored these muffin tins for $1/each.  (I  need to go get more for when my sister's kids come to visit. Hopefully they will be here on a MONDAY!!) Here are the pictures of breakfast and lunch! UNO and DOS were so excited about breakfast they were "helping" me get lunch together.

Juice, Eggs, Toast and Jelly, Bananas, Craisins & Goldfish

DOS with her First Muffin Tin Monday Meal!

UNO grabbed up his craisins...his favorites!

LUNCH...cheese slices, turkey, mango, pretzels and chocolate icing for dipping.
YES, they even dipped their cheese in the icing!

TRES was enjoying her cereal too! I was able to get some cute pictures of her eating. Hilarious!


Here is my knock off KFC meal. Cookie Man said dinner smelled good but when he doesn't go for seconds...makes me wonder...

 Layered...Mashed Potatos, chicken, green beans, corn and gravy.

I was actually able to get to bed before 11 and had some good sleep! YAY!

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